
高仕Cross 鋼珠筆換筆芯

  手上一支使用超過十年的高仕Cross 鋼珠筆沒水了,這支筆是公司送給我的任職五年紀念品,還配有一支自動鉛筆。鍍鉻白金色,質感不錯,也很好寫。禮盒中也附了筆芯,最後都用完了。去金石堂也買不到筆芯,熱心的店員建議我去百貨公司專櫃看看。自己上網找了小品雅集也有在賣,剛好可以去看看鋼筆開開眼界。

 小品雅集現場先看看各色鋼筆當做參觀鋼筆博物館。最後試寫一支Cross 鋼珠筆心,是較細的版本,最後買了較粗的,如下圖。




2024/11/07 美國大選之後怎麼投資?





2024/11/05 美國大選前台灣股市投資如何布局?

  今天是11/04,明天11/05就是美國總統大選。這個時間點已是台灣白天股市收盤,大盤大漲200多點。個人在股市的資金仍保有三分之一,沒有全部投入。期貨也留有一口空單。 11/06 開票從台灣時間早上七點到下午二點,但實際結果可能拖到10/07,週三剛好是週選擇權結算,我會在週二夜盤時決定是否拚一下週選擇權結算。相信11/06這天盤中會上下波動很大。



今天下午帶著TPASS 從新北搭機捷到桃園機場第二航厦,分別到
北測觀景台和南側觀景台去看飛機。沒有其它好的攝影器材,只有我的iPhone 8 Plus。主要是拍照,最後在南側拍到比較好的起飛影片。


對樂高有興趣的人,也可以在室內看到由LEGO 堆出來機場模型及各種飛機。











  中櫪是自己在北部尚未去過的地方。看到YouTuber 介紹其中一家牛肉麵店:新寶島之後決定去吃吃看。






紅燒牛肉麵 $220 ,肉是牛腩,麵是刀削麵。湯頭是甜感醬油味。






2024/10 因為健康檢查有輕微攝護腺肥大症狀,後來找了專業泌尿科醫師顧芳瑜(男醫師),再次照了腹部超音波確認,醫生說明確實有肥大了將近九公分,另外也向醫師說明,自己雖然早上睡醒會有晨勃的現象,但真正性行為時無法持久,所以他將單獨治療攝護腺的藥拿掉,改開同時具有治療攝護腺的藥及勃起的犀利士學名藥成份的佳倍壯 Vetawon


藥名:Vetawon Tab 5mg













2024/11 再回診,醫生了解到佳倍壯(犀利士學名藥)我每次服用後的副作用後,決定改用短效的威而剛學名藥: 昂力膜衣錠 100毫克。


因為它是100mg ,為避免藥效太強,第一次先使用半顆。也照說明書中,在性生活前一小時服用。結果可能是我有配著食物一起下肚,一個半小時後並沒有發生預期的效果,反而是在五個多小時候才有最佳效果。只能下次空腹服用再來試試了。









ASUS Zenbook S 16 另我驚訝到

  ASUS Zenbook S 16 外觀,配置AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 CPU,觸控板居中整面玻璃  無塑料感,整體設計上的質感真的有明顯用心在提升。在Windows 輕薄筆電中真的有吸引到我。接口不妥協,3K 120Hz OLED頂級畫質螢幕,真的沒話說,連我是MacBook Air M2用戶都被吸引到,另外,其AI 算力已有50 TOPS (官網上沒有詳細說明此算力是否針對 FP16 : 16位元浮點數還是FP8,若是FP16 ,那麼其AI算力已經超越 Apple Silicon M3 Pro/MAX FP16 算力很多。在AMD CPU 官網上也沒有查到詳細規格,只能等待AI 評測),在AI應用上真的可以有發運之處。

        如果接下來的新MacBook 輕薄筆電沒有再有更好的硬體規格提升,Windows vs Mac 平台的差距已經被拉近。Apple 已經在 M3 系列加入了 16 核心 Neural Engine,具有 18 TOPS 的運算能力(比 M1 晶片快了 60%)。然而,目前很少人會日常使用 Mac 內建的這些運算能力,還需要等Apple Intelligence 相關應用的推出。

據Apple官方資料,其M3晶片Neural Engine 較 M1 晶片快了 60%,較M2晶片快15%。接下來就要期待M4 能提供什麼樣的終端算力,並且要在2025年和Windows PC 和筆電新產品一較高下。

結論:Windows 和 Android 陣營雖然無法像Apple 有著台積電最先近製程的化工晶片優勢,但是接下來的3奈米製程晶片也是有可期待之處,相信2025年各家產品陸續推出,此市場會開始進入新的一波AI應用賽事。





上圖APP 可以看到已被權限升級,即日起可以使用全部日線策略。








Liquid AI 又給我們帶來了AI model 的驚喜

  AI model 的進步和競爭是超級激烈的。除了 Meta Google OpenAI Claude 之外,現在又多了 Liquid AI ,發表了新一代生成式AI 模型 LFM (Liquid Fundation Model),特別的是它不是用Transformer ,在記憶體的消耗上有特別的表現,LFM 1.3B, 3B 小模型的評比也相當優秀。


也可以在官方網站試試其表現,我對其回應速度真的有驚訝到。在大公司都在比拚大模型,Transformer 參數量已經大到一般個人電腦或小型伺服器都很難執行推論。之前Mamba 的出現我已經嗅到該是有其它方案推出的時候了,因為Nvidia 的產品實在太貴,小公司實在負擔不起,許多企業對雲端AI運算實在不放心,深怕自己的資料外流。能落地在自家公司內部主機運行就要讓模型更小。




  • 隔夜飯 : 1 大碗
  • 雞蛋 x 3 : 2 顆蛋黃先和米飯拌勻
  • 胡椒粉
  • 塩巴
  • 蝦仁: Costco 買的冷凍蝦仁
  • 毛豆: 冷凍毛豆,解涷後剝好







POWER HERO PERU BLACK MACA                        
外盒是全英文,只有成份有中文標示 ,含有精胺酸和鋅


已經吃了一週,其實也沒有太大的感覺,產品廣告上有說"體力會變好",實在是說的很讓人有想像空間。難不成要我每天吃4粒? 對這類東西,基本上我是試試,也不敢有太大期望,等第二週後再來看看。

上網也Google查了一下,似乎網友都有很概念"作息 營養 運動"三者至少要顧好兩項比較有效。



macOS Sequoia 15.1 Beta 5 體驗 Apple Intelligence

  前幾週更新到 macOS Sequoia 15.0 ,和Sonoma 比起來實在感受不到什麼特別之處,主要是自己的iPhone 8 Plus 無法搭配,因為我最想要的功能是在MacBook Air M2 上直接操作iPhone 。再加上會在按到開機鍵時會莫名重開機,我只好手癢又將它升級到 macOS Sequoia 15.1 Beta 5

      坦白說,MacBook Air M2 是我的工作和生活兩用機,這麼做實在冒險,但也只能說自己不知道那一根筋不對勁。升級 Beta 5 之後也沒看到什麼功能,就是看到 Apple Intelligence 功能有了,啟用Siri 後試了幾下,我只能說中文版還是有待加強,只能等正式版。其實,這時候沒有 Apple Intelligence 功能啟用,你要先切換到English language 後重新開機,再加入 Waiting list。不到一小時我的Waiting list 就通過了。

第一個試用的功能就是 Writing Tools ,如上圖。我先打開 TextEdit 後,輸入一串英文句子,再選取想要它幫忙改寫的部份,右鍵選單 Writing Tools > Rewrite。就會得到改寫版本。

對英文寫作表達有需求的人,Writing Tools 真的是一大利器。在MacBook Air M2 16GB 上執行幾乎都是秒回,你會看到整個APP 閃了一下就完成了。

從上圖可以看出,Writing Tools > Make Professional 將我的破英文改寫後果然好多了。



以下是 Friendly / Professional / Concise 三種風格改寫結果,提供大家參考:

— original 

Today is Friday. I have 2 Typhoon off and just back to work.

There are many things to catch up in the morning .

Then, I have a manager meeting in the afternoon.

—- Friendly

Guess what? It’s Friday! I’m back at work after a long weekend. I have a lot to catch up on in the morning, but I’m excited to get started. Oh, and I have a manager meeting in the afternoon, but that’s just part of the job. How are you doing today? Anything exciting planned?

— Professional 

Today is Friday, and I have returned to work after taking two days off due to Typhoon.

There are several tasks that need to be completed in the morning.

In the afternoon, I have a manager meeting scheduled.

— Concise

Today’s Friday. I’m back at work after two Typhoons.

I have a lot to catch up on in the morning.

Then, I have a manager meeting in the afternoon.

2024/10/16 macOS Sequoia 15.1 Beta 7 釋出,之前使用 Beta 6 仍有不預期當機現象。看看這版有沒有改善。

2024/11/12 Sequoia 15.2 Beta 2 太容易當機,終於推出 Beta 3 ,第一時間更新,希望不要再當機或是黑屏。





另一方面,David Chang來自台灣一個寧靜的鄉村。他的成長環境簡單而充實,周圍是自然的美景和溫暖的家庭。為了尋找更好的工作機會,David搬到台北,沉浸在快節奏的城市生活中,卻渴望一份超越喧囂的聯繫。







David Chang,一位敬業的建築工程師,已經習慣了台北快節奏的城市生活。儘管他事業有成,內心卻常感孤獨,懷念著鄉村的寧靜。一天晚上,經過一天的辛勞,David決定在一家新開的咖啡館放鬆一下,這家咖啡館以其異國風味的調酒和創新飲品聞名。




















拒絕屈服於命運的殘酷安排,David做出了一個大膽的決定。他提出一起搬到普吉島的想法,想像著一個能融合他們文化並建立無拘無束未來的生活。Sway起初猶豫,對再次 uproot自己的生活感到不確定,但David眼中的誠意最終打動了她。





















Beyond Borders: The Love Story of Sway and David


Sway's life on Phuket Island was a tapestry of vibrant colors, bustling markets, and the soothing rhythm of the ocean waves. Orphaned at a tender age, she was raised by her grandmother, who instilled in her a deep love for Thai cuisine and the art of mixology. Sway's intelligence and quick learning abilities made her a standout in her community, earning her respect and admiration.

David Chang, on the other hand, hailed from a quiet countryside in Taiwan. His upbringing was simple yet fulfilling, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the warmth of family. Moving to Taipei for better job opportunities, David found himself immersed in the fast-paced city life, yearning for a connection that transcended the hustle and bustle.

Fate had its own plans. A chance encounter at a local café in Taipei would intertwine their lives in ways neither could have imagined.

Chapter One: New Beginnings

Sway stepped off the plane at Taoyuan International Airport, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Taipei was a world away from the serene beaches of Phuket, but necessity drove her to embark on this journey. Her grandmother's words echoed in her mind: _"Stay strong, my dear. You have the skills and the heart to make it through."_

Navigating the crowded airport, Sway clutched her small suitcase tightly. Her limited Mandarin skills were a barrier, but her determination was unwavering. She hailed a taxi, pointing to the address of a modest hostel she had booked for her first few days in the city.

Upon arriving, Sway was greeted by the bustling streets of Taipei. The neon lights illuminated her path as she made her way to the hostel. The first few days were a whirlwind of adjusting to the new environment, exploring the city, and searching for employment. Her proficiency in Thai cuisine and mixology became her ticket to a job at a trendy café in the heart of the city.

Chapter Two: A Chance Encounter

David Chang, a dedicated construction engineer, was accustomed to the relentless pace of Taipei's city life. Despite his success, he often found himself feeling isolated, missing the tranquility of his rural hometown. One evening, after a long day at work, David decided to unwind at a newly opened café known for its exotic blends and innovative cocktails.

As he entered, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and exotic spices filled the air. He took a seat by the window, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of unfinished projects and deadlines. Meanwhile, Sway was meticulously preparing ingredients for the evening's special cocktails, her hands moving with practiced precision.

Their eyes met briefly across the crowded room. David was struck by her grace and the confidence with which she moved, while Sway noticed the tired yet kind expression on his face. It was a fleeting moment, but it left an impression on both.

Chapter Three: Building Connections

Weeks passed, and Sway settled into her role at the café. Her expertise in Thai cuisine and mixology quickly became a hit among the patrons. David found himself returning to the café more frequently, drawn by both the delightful flavors and the enigmatic woman behind the counter.

One rainy afternoon, as David sheltered under an umbrella outside the café, he noticed Sway struggling with a particularly tricky cocktail recipe. Without hesitation, he offered his assistance, despite his limited knowledge of mixology. Together, they perfected the drink, sharing stories of their backgrounds and aspirations.

Their friendship blossomed, grounded in mutual respect and shared experiences. Sway introduced David to the rich flavors of Thai cuisine, while he shared tales of his countryside upbringing and his dreams beyond the construction sites of Taipei.

Chapter Four: Cultural Bridges

As their bond deepened, David expressed a desire to learn more about Sway's culture. Sway, in turn, showed an interest in understanding the nuances of Taiwanese life. They spent weekends exploring the city's hidden gems, from bustling night markets to serene temples, each outing strengthening their connection.

Sway's Mandarin improved steadily, thanks to David's patient guidance. In return, David began taking Thai language classes, eager to communicate more effectively and immerse himself in Sway's world. Their efforts to bridge the language gap brought them closer, turning linguistic barriers into stepping stones for deeper understanding.

Chapter Five: Challenges Arise

Just as their relationship was flourishing, challenges emerged. Sway's work visa was nearing its expiration, and she faced the daunting possibility of having to leave Taipei. The thought of parting ways weighed heavily on both of them, threatening to unravel the bond they had carefully built.

David, determined not to lose Sway, explored every possible option to extend her stay. However, bureaucratic hurdles and financial constraints made the process complicated. The uncertainty of the future cast a shadow over their once bright and hopeful days.

Chapter Six: Trials of Love

Amidst the mounting pressure, Sway's grandmother fell ill, adding another layer of concern. Sway grappled with the guilt of leaving her family in Phuket, torn between her responsibilities and her newfound love. David, too, struggled with the prospect of losing the woman who had become his anchor in the sprawling city.

Their conversations became fraught with tension as they tried to navigate the complexities of their situation. Misunderstandings arose, partly due to lingering language barriers and the stress of impending separation. Yet, their love for each other remained a steadfast beacon, guiding them through the darkest of times.

Chapter Seven: A Leap of Faith

Refusing to succumb to fate's cruel hand, David made a bold decision. He proposed the idea of moving to Phuket together, envisioning a life where they could merge their cultures and build a future free from the constraints of city life. Sway was hesitant at first, unsure if she could uproot her life once again, but the sincerity in David's eyes swayed her.

Together, they embarked on the journey back to Phuket, leaving behind the familiar sights of Taipei for the promise of a shared dream. The transition was challenging, as David had to adapt to the slower pace and different customs of island life. Sway, meanwhile, adjusted to the bustling local markets and the close-knit community that had always been her home.

Chapter Eight: Embracing Change

In Phuket, David's determination to learn Thai and integrate into the local culture paid off. He spent hours with Sway, practicing the language and immersing himself in the traditions of the island. His efforts were met with warmth and acceptance from the community, who appreciated his genuine desire to belong.

Sway, inspired by David's commitment, began to explore new avenues in her culinary passion. Together, they opened a fusion restaurant that combined Thai flavors with modern mixology techniques, attracting both locals and tourists alike. Their restaurant became a symbol of their love and the harmonious blending of their cultures.

Chapter Nine: Overcoming Obstacles

Success did not come without its challenges. The restaurant faced stiff competition and occasional setbacks, from supply chain disruptions to unforeseen repairs. Yet, David and Sway tackled each obstacle with resilience and teamwork, their bond growing stronger with every hurdle they overcame.

Their differing perspectives often led to creative solutions, and their complementary skills ensured the restaurant thrived. David's organizational prowess and Sway's culinary genius created a unique dining experience that resonated with patrons, cementing their reputation as a beloved local establishment.

Chapter Ten: A Love Realized

Years passed, and their love story became a cherished tale in Phuket. David and Sway had not only built a successful business but had also created a life filled with love, respect, and mutual growth. Their journey from Taipei to Phuket was a testament to the power of love to transcend borders and bridge cultural divides.

One evening, under the glow of lanterns at their restaurant, David proposed to Sway once more, this time with a promise to continue building their dreams together. Tears of joy welled in Sway's eyes as she accepted, sealing their commitment to a future filled with endless possibilities.


David and Sway's story spread beyond Phuket, inspiring others to embrace cross-cultural relationships and the beauty of shared dreams. Their restaurant continued to flourish, a beacon of love and unity in a world often divided by differences.

Together, they proved that love knows no boundaries, and that with understanding, patience, and unwavering support, two hearts from different worlds can create a life of harmony and happiness.

**Author's Note**

This story celebrates the enduring power of love and the beauty of cultural exchange. Sway and David's journey is a reminder that while language and traditions may differ, the heart's language remains universal. Their resilience and commitment to one another inspire us to embrace diversity and seek connections that transcend geographical and cultural divides.


Bridging Hearts: A Cross-Cultural Love Story

Chapter One: Encounter

In a small village nestled in the mountains of northern Thailand, morning mist lingered among the lush greenery. PiPi stood atop her family's orchard, gazing at the distant mountains. The orchard was her pride, but consecutive heavy rains had damaged the crops, increasing the family's debts. To help her parents overcome this hardship, she decided to go to Taiwan to work.

"Mom, I will take good care of myself," PiPi said to her mother in Thai, her eyes shining with determination. Her mother nodded; though reluctant to see her go, she understood her daughter's resolve.

Upon arriving in Taipei, the bustling city overwhelmed PiPi. Her Mandarin was not fluent; she could only communicate using simple phrases. She found a job in a coffee shop, busy every day learning new things while striving to improve her Mandarin.

One rainy evening, after tidying up the shop, PiPi prepared to go home. She walked down the street with an umbrella, accidentally bumping into a man who was hurrying by.

"Sorry!" she blurted out in English.

"It's okay. Are you alright?" the man asked in Mandarin.

Feeling nervous, PiPi tried to organize her words. "I... I'm fine, thank you."

The man noticed her confusion and smiled. "Are you a foreigner?"

"Yes, I'm from Thailand," she replied in halting Mandarin.

"Oh, welcome to Taiwan. I'm Lee Chi. What's your name?" He extended his hand.

"My name is PiPi," she gently shook his hand.

Chapter Two: A Bridge of Language

Lee Chi was a young man from rural Taiwan, now working as a construction engineer in Taipei. He became interested in this girl from Thailand, perhaps because they both shared a rural background.

"Your Mandarin is pretty good. If you need any help, feel free to ask me," Lee Chi offered.

"Thank you. I still need to practice my Mandarin," PiPi said shyly.

From that day on, Lee Chi often visited the coffee shop to see PiPi. Their conversations started with simple greetings, and gradually, Lee Chi began teaching her more Mandarin vocabulary.

"This is called 'kāfēi' (coffee). You can pronounce it like this," Lee Chi patiently instructed.

"Kāfēi..." PiPi earnestly followed along.

"Yes, very good!" he encouraged.

They also tried communicating in English, but Lee Chi's English wasn't very good either, often leading to humorous misunderstandings.

"What do you like... um, like what?" Lee Chi stammered.

PiPi chuckled. "I like flowers and fruits."

"Fruits? There are many fruits in my hometown. I can take you to see them, okay?" he suggested excitedly.

Chapter Three: The Budding of Friendship

One weekend, Lee Chi took PiPi to a fruit market in the suburbs. Seeing the stalls filled with an array of fruits, PiPi's eyes sparkled.

"This reminds me of my family's orchard," she said in Mandarin. Although some words were still unfamiliar, she could express her thoughts.

"Does your family grow fruits too?" Lee Chi asked.

"Yes, many fruits—mangoes, longans, and durians," she smiled.

"Durians? I've never tried them," Lee Chi was surprised.

"Really? I'll bring you some to taste when I get the chance," PiPi said playfully.

Their friendship deepened through shared interests and their efforts to communicate. Language was no longer a barrier but a unique bridge between them.

Chapter Four: Development of Feelings

As time passed, PiPi's Mandarin improved significantly. She began to communicate with Lee Chi in more complete sentences. They explored the streets and alleys of Taipei together, sharing their stories.

"Sometimes, I feel Mandarin is difficult, but you make learning fun," PiPi said sincerely.

"Because of you, my English has improved a lot too," Lee Chi replied with a smile.

One evening, they watched the sunset in a park. PiPi quietly leaned on Lee Chi's shoulder and softly said in Mandarin, "Thank you for making me feel not alone here."

"Me too. With you, the city doesn't feel so cold," Lee Chi responded.

Chapter Five: The Emergence of Difficulties

However, happy times are often short-lived. PiPi received news from home that her parents' debt problems had worsened, and they needed her to return as soon as possible to help.

"I might have to go back to Thailand," she said to Lee Chi, eyes full of helplessness.

"Why so sudden? We can figure something out together," Lee Chi asked anxiously.

"My visa is also about to expire, and my family really needs me. I don't know what to do," she lowered her head, the language once again becoming a barrier to expressing her emotions.

"I can go back with you, or maybe you can extend your visa?" Lee Chi tried to find a solution.

"No, the procedures are complicated, and there's not enough time," PiPi shook her head helplessly.

Chapter Six: The Challenge of Language

At this difficult moment, they found that the language barrier had resurfaced. They had so much they wanted to express but couldn't fully communicate due to language limitations.

"I want to tell you how I feel... but I don't know how to say it," PiPi said anxiously.

"It's okay. You can speak slowly; I'll understand," Lee Chi gently comforted her.

"I... I don't want to leave you," she finally said.

Lee Chi felt a surge of warmth. He held her hand. "I feel the same way. We'll find a way."

Chapter Seven: Separation and Longing

In the end, PiPi still had to return to Thailand. They agreed to keep in touch, but the language barrier became more pronounced in their long-distance communication.

"We can video chat," Lee Chi suggested.

"Okay, but sometimes the internet isn't good, and the time difference is a bit troublesome," PiPi worried.

"No problem. I'll learn some Thai so we can communicate better," he said firmly.

"Really? Then I'll continue learning Mandarin," she smiled.

Chapter Eight: Striving Across Distance

In the days that followed, Lee Chi began teaching himself Thai. He bought textbooks, downloaded learning apps, and even enrolled in Thai language classes. Whenever he learned a new word, he couldn't wait to share it with PiPi.

"Sawadee ka (Hello)!" In a video call, Lee Chi greeted PiPi in Thai.

PiPi was pleasantly surprised and laughed. "Your pronunciation is good! Keep it up!"

Meanwhile, PiPi continued studying Mandarin in Thailand. She joined a local Mandarin learning group, diligently improving her language skills.

Chapter Nine: Reunion and Integration

Several months later, Lee Chi finally arranged his work and traveled to Thailand to see PiPi. Their reunion was filled with joy and emotion.

"Welcome to Thailand!" PiPi said in fluent Mandarin.

"Thank you. I finally made it," Lee Chi replied in Thai. Though a bit rusty, his sincerity shone through.

During his days in Thailand, they worked and lived together. The language barrier was no longer an issue; they could communicate freely in both languages, and their cultures became richer through this integration.

Chapter Ten: A Shared Future

They decided to establish a combined orchard and coffee shop in Thailand to attract tourists and promote cultural exchange between the two countries. Their efforts gained support from family and the community.

On the opening day, Lee Chi said to everyone, "Thank you all for your support, which has allowed us to realize our dream."

PiPi continued, "Language was once our barrier, but now it is the bridge connecting us to the world."

Applause filled the air. They looked at each other, eyes full of hope for the future.


Under the setting sun, they stood atop the orchard, gazing at the prosperous scene before them.

"We did it," PiPi said in Mandarin.

"Yes, but this is just the beginning," Lee Chi replied with a smile, in Thai.

"In the future, let's learn more languages together and explore more places," she proposed.

"As long as I'm with you, learning any language is a joy," he said tenderly.

They held each other's hands tightly, embracing the beautiful future that awaited them.



泰國北部的一個小村莊,晨霧繚繞在青翠的山間。PiPi 站在自家果園的高處,望著遠方的群山。家裡的果園是她的驕傲,但連續的暴雨讓農作物受損,家庭的債務也隨之增加。為了幫助父母度過難關,她決定去台灣打工。

「媽媽,我會照顧好自己的。」PiPi 用泰語對母親說,眼中閃著堅定的光芒。母親點點頭,雖有不捨,但也明白女兒的決心。

抵達台北的第一天,城市的喧囂讓 PiPi 有些不知所措。她的中文並不流利,只能用簡單的詞彙溝通。她在一家咖啡店找到工作,每天忙碌地學習新的事物,同時努力提高自己的中文能力。

一天傍晚,下著細雨,PiPi 收拾好店裡的東西,準備回家。她撐著傘走在街頭,不小心與一個匆忙趕路的男子相撞。



PiPi 有些緊張,她試圖組織語言:「我……我沒事,謝謝你。」




「我叫 PiPi。」她輕輕握了握他的手。




「謝謝你,我的中文還需要多練習。」PiPi 有些害羞。

從那天起,李奇會經常到咖啡店找 PiPi。他們的對話從簡單的問候開始,漸漸地,李奇開始教她更多的中文詞彙。

「這個叫 '咖啡',你可以這樣發音。」李奇耐心地指導。

「咖啡……」PiPi 認真地跟著學習。




PiPi 噗嗤一笑:「我喜歡花,還有水果。」



一個週末,李奇帶著 PiPi 前往郊區的水果市場。看著攤位上琳琅滿目的水果,PiPi 的眼中閃爍著光芒。





「真的嗎?有機會我帶給你吃。」PiPi 調皮地說。



隨著時間的推移,PiPi 的中文水平有了明顯的提高。她開始能夠用更完整的句子與李奇交流。他們一起探索台北的街頭巷尾,分享彼此的故事。

「有時候,我覺得中文很難,但你讓我感到學習很有趣。」PiPi 誠懇地說。


一次,他們在公園裡看著夕陽。PiPi 靜靜地靠在李奇的肩膀上,用中文輕聲說:「謝謝你,讓我在這裡感到不孤單。」



然而,幸福的時光總是短暫的。PiPi 收到家裡的消息,父母的債務問題更加嚴重,需要她盡快回去幫忙。





「不行,手續很複雜,而且時間不夠。」PiPi 無奈地搖頭。



「我想告訴你,我的感覺……但是,我不知道怎麼說。」PiPi 著急地說。





最終,PiPi 還是不得不返回泰國。他們約定保持聯繫,但語言的障礙在長距離的溝通中變得更加明顯。


「好的,但網絡有時候不好,而且時差也有點麻煩。」PiPi 有些擔心。




在接下來的日子裡,李奇開始自學泰語。他買了教材,下載了學習軟件,甚至報名參加了泰語課程。每當他學會一個新詞彙,便迫不及待地想與 PiPi 分享。

「Sawadee ka(你好)!」在一次視頻通話中,李奇用泰語向 PiPi 打招呼。

PiPi 驚喜地笑了起來:「你的發音很好!繼續加油!」

同時,PiPi 也在泰國繼續學習中文。她加入了當地的中文學習小組,努力提高自己的語言能力。


幾個月後,李奇終於安排好了工作,前往泰國看望 PiPi。他們的重逢充滿了喜悅和感動。

「歡迎來到泰國!」PiPi 用流利的中文說道。






PiPi 接著說:「語言曾經是我們的障礙,但現在,它是我們聯繫世界的橋樑。」




「我們做到了。」PiPi 用中文說。





















The Heart of the Forest

  In a small village nestled at the edge of a vast forest, lived a young girl named Clara. She was known for her kindness and curiosity. Clara often spent her days helping her family with chores, but her favorite moments were when she could explore the forest. She had heard countless stories of magical creatures living deep in the woods, but no one in the village had ever seen them.

One crisp autumn morning, Clara decided to venture farther into the forest than she had ever gone before. With her heart pounding with excitement, she followed a narrow path that seemed to wind endlessly among the towering trees. After hours of walking, she found herself in a clearing. At the center of the clearing stood an enormous, ancient oak tree with branches stretching out like the arms of a giant.

As Clara approached the tree, she noticed something unusual. A faint glow was emanating from a small hollow in the trunk. Curiosity piqued, she carefully peered inside. To her astonishment, she saw a tiny figure, no bigger than her hand, sitting inside the hollow. The figure had delicate wings that shimmered in the sunlight and wore a gown made of flower petals.

The little creature looked up and smiled warmly at Clara. "I’ve been waiting for you," she said in a soft voice. "I am Liora, a forest sprite. Few humans have ventured this far, but those who do are often seeking something."

Clara, though startled, found her voice. "I wasn’t searching for anything in particular, but I’ve always dreamed of meeting the magical creatures from the stories."

Liora’s smile widened. "The forest holds many secrets, and only those with a kind heart can discover them. You have proven your bravery by coming this far."

Intrigued, Clara asked, "What else is hidden in the forest?"

Liora flew out of the hollow and hovered in front of Clara. "Come with me, and I’ll show you."

Clara followed Liora deeper into the forest, where the trees grew even taller and the air was thick with the scent of pine and moss. Along the way, they encountered other magical creatures: glowing fireflies that danced in patterns, talking animals who greeted Clara with friendly nods, and a waterfall that sparkled like a thousand diamonds.

Finally, they arrived at a small pond surrounded by glowing flowers. "This is the heart of the forest," Liora explained. "It is a place of peace and harmony. Only those who respect nature and its creatures are allowed here."

Clara knelt by the water and gazed at her reflection, feeling a sense of wonder and connection she had never known before. She realized that the magic of the forest was not just in the creatures she had met, but in the beauty and balance of nature itself.

From that day on, Clara returned to the forest often, becoming a guardian of its secrets. She knew that magic was everywhere, waiting for those who took the time to look closely.


  The iPhone 16 was finally unveiled  9/10/2024, and I’m particularly interested in the iPhone 16 Pro. My main focus is on battery life and AI capabilities, but it looks like I might be a bit disappointed. The improvements in battery life aren't exclusive to the iPhone 16 Pro series. Instead, the entire lineup now offers over 30 hours of video playback, which is a significant upgrade. This is great news for people who use their phones heavily for work every day—no more battery anxiety!

As for AI features in Chinese, those will have to wait until next year. So, my initial takeaway is that I’ll continue using my iPhone 8 Plus for another year and wait for the iPhone 17. The iPhone 16 uses the A18 chip built on TSMC’s second-generation 3nm process, which only brings incremental improvements. Next year, however, TSMC’s 2nm process should deliver substantial advancements. With enhanced power efficiency and AI performance, AI applications on smartphones will likely become far more noticeable. Unless my iPhone 8 Plus breaks within the next six months or my investments see significant growth (and I find myself with more disposable income), I don’t see a reason to upgrade just yet.

This is just my personal perspective. For those who prioritize photography and videography, the iPhone 16 Pro still offers plenty of reasons to upgrade. Remember, Apple’s strength lies in the user experience. It’s never just about price—it’s about the value the product brings. I do appreciate the new "Camera Control" feature. It shows Apple’s continued focus on user-friendliness and delivers real innovation in that regard.

Another product that caught my interest is the updated AirPods Pro 2, which will receive a firmware update this fall that transforms them into hearing aids and allows users to test for hearing issues. This is a valuable upgrade for current users.

The iPhone 16 officially launched in Taiwan on September 20th, and crowds have started to form at major retailers. As for how well it sells, let’s wait until next month to see.





    我拿了出那張破鈔,他很冷漠的說指著櫃台上的膠帶,要我自己粘好。我只好取出一截膠帶把兩截鈔票粘起來。交給他之後,他看了一眼,確認是否粘好後,放入數鈔機數了一下。我心想,你他娘的也太蠢了,拿在手裡都看過了就只有一張,你用點鈔機數個屁啊! 數完後另外拿一張完好的千元鈔給我,也不用填任何資料就讓我走了。我心裡想,這程序好像有點隨便吔!



macOS Sequoia 15.0 和 Sonoma 14.7 來了

  macOS Sequoia 15.0 來了! 

但是,下方伴隨著 macOS Sonoma 14.7 的更新可以選擇,目前自己的macBook Air M2 是工作及生活兼具,不敢冒然換成 Sequoia ,先來升級Sonoma 14.7好了。點進去後,也同時出現 Command Line Tools for X code 的更新。

自己目前的 Sonoma 是 14.6.1 版,先來更新成 14.7
Sonoma 14.7 主要是一些小bug修正,最重要的是36項安全性更新,這才是我最需要的,新功能沒有在這版中出現,先留給對 Sequoia 有興趣的人先去用一陣子,穩定了我再來更新。

至於自己的iPhone 8 Plus 也檢查了一下,已經沒有更新了。沒有因為iOS 18的釋出而有更新,但是我沒差啦。今年的iPhone 16 仍然無法讓我換新,不是買不起,而是我期待的AI 功能沒有到位,也還不知道算力是否符合預期,而且我的iPhone 8 Plus 還是頭好壯壯的,連電池都還沒有換過呢。再拚一年,期待明年iPhone 17囉。

macOS Sequoia 15.0 目前還是只能用 Apple Intelligence Beta 英文功能,雖然我的 M2 MacBook Air 有支援,但是我還是想等正式版推出再說啦。等它穩定一點再說。

然而,更新完Sonoma 14.7後實在無感,因為多是安全性更新項目,用了半天,實在忍不住就接著把 Sequoia 更新上了。




AirPods Pro 2 韌體更新,版本號為 7A294,比之前的 6F8 版本更新。所有 AirPods Pro 2 用戶都能獲得這次更新。
功能上我觀注:頭部手勢控制 Siri 和語音隔離提升通話品質。

macOS Sequoia 安裝後完整使用一天,將每工生活及工作各種場景都試用了一遍。目前沒有遇到使用上的任何問題。

使用一週遇到災情:macOS Sequoia 使用一週過程中,遇到至少三次突然當機,需要重開機。一開始覺得很莫名奇妙,本以為是特定應用程式的問題。直到昨天才確定,只能同意重開機後,它主動詢問是否要將不正常開機的log 提交給 Apple 分析。


OpenAI 新模型 o1-preview 和 o1-mini 試用

   身為一個ChatGPT 長期訂閱用戶,持續觀注每一代新模型能力的進步是我的興趣。隨著o1-preview 及 o1-mini模型一公布,我立即將 macBook Air 上的ChatGPT 應用程式更新到最新版。



### 1. **文字謎題的解答**

1. 打開第一個開關,保持開啟約5分鐘。
2. 關閉第一個開關,立即打開第二個開關。
3. 進入房間檢查燈泡:
   - 發熱且未亮的燈泡對應第一個開關。
   - 正在亮著的燈泡對應第二個開關。
   - 冷卻且未亮的燈泡對應第三個開關。

### 2. **商業案例分析**

1. **數據分析**:檢查銷售數據,發現特定時間段(如下午)銷售額下降。
2. **競爭分析**:調查周邊新開的競爭對手,發現附近新開了一家提供更優惠價格的咖啡店。
3. **客戶反饋**:收集顧客意見,發現顧客反映等待時間過長。
4. **結論與建議**:
   - 加強下午時段的員工配置,提高服務效率。
   - 調整價格策略或推出促銷活動以吸引顧客。
   - 提升產品質量和顧客服務,增強競爭力。

### 3. **日常生活中的推理**

1. **檢查門窗**:確認門窗是否有被破壞的痕跡,如划痕或鬆動。
2. **查看物品擺放**:判斷物品被翻動的程度,是否只是整理或有明顯的擾動跡象。
3. **安全設備**:檢查監控攝像頭或警報系統是否有異常記錄。
4. **聯絡鄰居**:詢問鄰居是否見到可疑人物或活動。
5. **結論**:
   - 如果有破壞跡象或其他異常證據,可能發生了入室盜竊,應立即報警。
   - 如果只是偶爾的整理或家人遺忘鎖門,則無需過度擔心。

### 4. **科學推理**

1. **光照不足**:植物需要足夠的光照來進行光合作用,光照不足可能導致葉片發黃。
2. **水分問題**:
   - 過多的水分可能導致根部腐爛,影響營養吸收。
   - 過少的水分則無法滿足植物的生理需求。
3. **養分缺乏**:特別是氮、鐵等元素的缺乏,會影響葉綠素的生成,導致葉片發黃。
4. **病蟲害**:某些病菌或害蟲會破壞植物組織,影響正常生長。
5. **結論與對策**:
   - 調整光照條件,確保植物得到充足的陽光。
   - 調整澆水頻率,保持適宜的濕度。
   - 使用適當的肥料補充缺乏的養分。
   - 檢查並處理病蟲害問題。

### 5. **推理小說情節分析**

1. **現場證據**:檢查窗戶是否有撬痕或其他強行進入的痕跡,發現沒有。
2. **受害者的行為**:分析受害者的行為模式,是否可能自己開窗導致意外。
3. **目擊者證詞**:詢問周圍的人,是否有異常的人或車輛出現。
4. **物證分析**:發現窗戶內側有指紋或其他痕跡,表明受害者曾經開窗。
5. **動機分析**:調查受害者的人際關係,找出可能的嫌疑人。
6. **結論**:
   - 若無外來入侵證據,可能是受害者自殺或意外跌落。
   - 如果有他人接觸的證據,則可能是熟人作案。

### 6. **數學問題的邏輯推理**

1. 由於每天數量翻倍,滿池的前一天蓮花覆蓋池塘的一半。
2. 因此,池塘蓮花覆蓋一半是在第29天。

### 7. **歷史事件的因果推理**

1. **技術進步**:工業革命引入了機械化生產,促進了技術創新,影響了現代製造業的發展。
2. **經濟變化**:從手工業轉向工廠生產,改變了經濟結構,促進了資本主義的發展。
3. **社會影響**:城市化加速,人們從農村遷移到城市,改變了人口分布和社會結構。
4. **勞動條件**:工業革命初期的勞動條件惡劣,促使工會和勞工法規的出現,影響了現代勞動權益保障。
5. **環境影響**:工業化帶來的污染問題,促使現代環保運動的興起和可持續發展理念的形成。


以上是 o1-mini 模型自己的回答,想知道詳情,建議到官網以下網址了解,有文字介紹及影片示範。



iPhone 16 Pro 發表後的看法

  iPhone 16 終於在今天2024/9/10發表了,個人有興趣的是iPhone 16 Pro。最在意的功能是電力續航AI功能,看來是要失望了,因為續航進步的部份不是iPhone 16 Pro 系列,而是全系統都來到30小時以上可以看影片,這真的是很大的進步。對每天工作重度使用的人來說,就沒有電力焦慮了。

      AI中文應用部份要等明年了,所以,第一個簡單的結論是我的iPhone 8 Plus 要再多使用一年,等明年的iPhone 17,因為 iPhone 16 是使用 A18晶片,台積電3奈米製程第二代,應該也是擠牙膏式的小進步。明年,台積電2奈米的製程做出來的晶片應該就會有大幅度的進度。在省電及AI 效能大幅度進步下,AI 應用在手機上的運算就應該更有感了。除非,半年內我的iPhone 8 Plus 掛了,或是投資有重大成長,也就是賺大錢到不在乎這點錢才會換機。

      以上純屬個人看法,如果大家對拍照及攝影有需求,確實iPhone 16 Pro還是有值得入手的地方。不要忘了,Apple 最強的地方是使用者體驗,它給你的從來不是要考量價格,而是其產品的價值。我對 Camera control 這項新設計還是很欣賞,站在使用者的角度思考,提供易用性,也算是一項創新。

     另一項個人比較有興趣的是AiriPods  Pro 2,會在秋天透過更新韌體的方式成為助聽器,且可以測試聽力問題,對現有用戶是一項好處。
      台股在Apple 發表新產品後,整個大盤是開高走低,看來一顆蘋果暫時無法救台股了,等拉回再來布局年底這一波。


Snapdragon X Elite 筆電-我看好它的前景

  行動晶片IC設計王者高通推出的Snapdragon X Elite 正式在Windows 筆電平台上市,各大筆電大廠都已推出產品。大家可以參考以下YouTube 影片介紹及分析:



續航:已經可以開始向 Apple macBook 叫板了

相容性:軟體仍然是和Apple 一樣,可以經過轉譯將尚未針對ARM 64指令集改寫來使用,但效能及穩定度仍是個問題

設計:仍然是無法和 Apple 相提並論,美學仍是各大Windows 筆電廠的硬傷。

觸控板:Apple 的觸控板一樣是王者,沒一個能打的。估且不要說使用起來的感覺,連最基本的將觸控板置中及面積做大都沒有,更別提使用起來的感覺。

價格: 4 ~7 萬,這種價格,我還是買 macBook Air 好了,一點吸引力都沒有。

說了一堆缺點,但我還是看好高通,主因是AI 邊緣運算,不管是在手機或是個人電腦或筆記型電腦。只要Windows 作業系統支援 ARM 版本夠成熟,接下來非 Apple 陣營市場,高通就是大哥,它的地位很難受挑戰。





主要是維生素 B群及鈣/鋅/硒


換算下來,60錠 $299 , 差不多是每錠5元,一天兩錠就是每天花費10元。相比於善存男性綜合維化命,每罐是280錠,價格不到一千元,也就是每錠最多4元。

