
多久沒接觸英文 ?

  一直在工作上有機會收到同事的英文 email .但自己很少會主動將email 用英文書寫.下班後除了在查 Open Source 相關國外網站之外就少有主動大量閱讀英文.久了會發現自己的英文字彙並沒有明顯增加且閱讀速度也沒有改進.進一步就影響英文聽力,雖然仍陸陸繼續在用 iTune 聽 ESL podcast節目.

  Speaking is the most difficult to practice while living in Taiwan so any oportunity that does arice must be seized. If you don't attemp to speak, you won't know what your are doing wrong which finally means you won't improve.

  總歸一句話:熟能生巧 日積月累 才是英文學習成功之道.