

  今天下班本來要騎UBike由台北市回新北市,但在公司附近的捷運站旁竟然沒有半台 UBike 可以借,只好到中山堂附近,也就是西門站旁找一找,但不知那根筋不對勁,突然改搭藍線捷運到新埔站下車,想說在新埔站開始騎UBike,結果還是一樣借不到,真的很儍眼!只好走兩百多公尺去搭環狀線體驗一下。

        只坐一站就到頭前庄下車,一旁的UBike 只剩一台,原來是系統故障,最後這台也借不到手。最後,只好搭公車回家,在家附近的UBike 停的滿滿的,借都借不完。可見晚上大家都騎車回家,微笑單車公司還沒時間來移動到其它沒車的租借站。

        現在UBike 2.0 還不普及,所以到處都還是1.0,也借了一台在家附近的大公園騎了兩圈來運動一下流流汗。三段變速使用第二段在平地上踩踏起來很輕鬆,回想起八月在自來水博物館騎的 2.0 差別不大。

I had to ride a UBike from Taipei City back to New Taipei City after get off work today, but there was not half a UBike to borrow from the MRT station near the company, so I had to look for it near Zhongshan Hall, which is next to Ximen Station, but I don’t know the root. Something was wrong, I suddenly changed to take the Blue Line MRT and got off at Xinpu Station. I wanted to say that I started riding UBike at Xinpu Station, but I still couldn't borrow it. I was really dumbfounded! Had to walk more than two hundred meters to experience the loop line.

        After only one stop, I got off at Touqianzhuang. There was only one UBike on the side. It turned out to be a system failure, and finally this one was not available. In the end, I had to take the bus home. The UBike near my home was full of parking lots, and I couldn't even borrow them. It can be seen that everyone is cycling home at night, and Smile Bike has no time to move to other rental stations without a car.