
macOS Sequoia 15.1 Beta 5 體驗 Apple Intelligence

  前幾週更新到 macOS Sequoia 15.0 ,和Sonoma 比起來實在感受不到什麼特別之處,主要是自己的iPhone 8 Plus 無法搭配,因為我最想要的功能是在MacBook Air M2 上直接操作iPhone 。再加上會在按到開機鍵時會莫名重開機,我只好手癢又將它升級到 macOS Sequoia 15.1 Beta 5

      坦白說,MacBook Air M2 是我的工作和生活兩用機,這麼做實在冒險,但也只能說自己不知道那一根筋不對勁。升級 Beta 5 之後也沒看到什麼功能,就是看到 Apple Intelligence 功能有了,啟用Siri 後試了幾下,我只能說中文版還是有待加強,只能等正式版。其實,這時候沒有 Apple Intelligence 功能啟用,你要先切換到English language 後重新開機,再加入 Waiting list。不到一小時我的Waiting list 就通過了。

第一個試用的功能就是 Writing Tools ,如上圖。我先打開 TextEdit 後,輸入一串英文句子,再選取想要它幫忙改寫的部份,右鍵選單 Writing Tools > Rewrite。就會得到改寫版本。

對英文寫作表達有需求的人,Writing Tools 真的是一大利器。在MacBook Air M2 16GB 上執行幾乎都是秒回,你會看到整個APP 閃了一下就完成了。

從上圖可以看出,Writing Tools > Make Professional 將我的破英文改寫後果然好多了。



以下是 Friendly / Professional / Concise 三種風格改寫結果,提供大家參考:

— original 

Today is Friday. I have 2 Typhoon off and just back to work.

There are many things to catch up in the morning .

Then, I have a manager meeting in the afternoon.

—- Friendly

Guess what? It’s Friday! I’m back at work after a long weekend. I have a lot to catch up on in the morning, but I’m excited to get started. Oh, and I have a manager meeting in the afternoon, but that’s just part of the job. How are you doing today? Anything exciting planned?

— Professional 

Today is Friday, and I have returned to work after taking two days off due to Typhoon.

There are several tasks that need to be completed in the morning.

In the afternoon, I have a manager meeting scheduled.

— Concise

Today’s Friday. I’m back at work after two Typhoons.

I have a lot to catch up on in the morning.

Then, I have a manager meeting in the afternoon.

2024/10/16 macOS Sequoia 15.1 Beta 7 釋出,之前使用 Beta 6 仍有不預期當機現象。看看這版有沒有改善。